The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2143488
Posted By: akenaton
07-Sep-07 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
And if you think that the self-righteous types who talk about the
'sanctity' of 'one man one woman' marriage aren't willing
participants in this cycle of evil, think again. These aren't
'innocent' beliefs of the freedom of religion.

They're hatred, as surely as racism is. They're just wrapped up in
prettier packages.

Hawk....Surely this is the strident attitude which you rightly condemned several posts ago

It's not so long ago that homosexuality was illegal. Nobody that I know wants to return to those days or to see homosexuals bullied or persecuted, but the post above is typical of many homosexual's opinions. THEY have the hatred and wish to use emotional blackmail on those who adhere to conventional sex and marriage.

As I said earlier they have become in large measure a pressure group, bent on coercing society into accepting a lifestyle which a large majority find abhorrent . The push for marriage rights is just one example. The use of the word "gay" to disguise what their lifestyle really means is another.

We have come a long way indeed if hetrosexuals in conventional marriages should feel ashamed of their way of life and beliefs.