The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104607   Message #2144250
Posted By: Kampervan
08-Sep-07 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: Belonging to the 'folk' family
Subject: RE: Belonging to the 'folk' family
By and large the folk world is pretty fantastic.

I had a very good friend (D.B.) that I never met, except on Mudcat.

I was involved in a very good natured verbal 'dual' with another Mudcatter and, unbidden, D.B. volunteered to act as my second.

The thread meandered on for ages and D. B. provided constant, unwavering support. My protangonist and I eventually resolved our differences - (he won the fair lady's hand!) and all was well.

Shortly afterwards my second was reported on Mudacat as being very ill and, after a valiant struggle, died.

The strength of the response to his illness and subsequent death was enormous and it was only then that I truly learned what a fantastic person he was.

D.B. was Dave Bryant and I hope that those who really knew him will forgive my presumption at writing about a person that I never met.

So yes, it is difficult to understand, but deep attachments can develop with people that we've never met. That's one of the great things about Mudcat.