The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104607   Message #2144426
Posted By: George Papavgeris
09-Sep-07 - 02:48 AM
Thread Name: Belonging to the 'folk' family
Subject: RE: Belonging to the 'folk' family
There is the love of the music of course, but at least in the UK it goes further than that because of the "alternative" label that our generation especially associated with "folk". And so there is a stereotypical folkie in the UK - with many notable exceptions of course. The chances are a folkie will be society-, history- and environment-aware; their politics may differ but often their reactions to circumstances and events do not, not that much. I offer the example of the good Mike (cllr), who behind his Conservative political guise hides a reconstructed anarchist (just pulling his leg, but really his reactions are not what Thatcher might have expected, very often; and his IS firm friends with Robb Johnson who in all fairness stands well left of Blair and Browne).

So, saying "I am a folkie" often means more than loce of the music. A certain openmindedness and basic kindness and decency is also part of the package. And so we make many instant yet lasting friends in the circuit.

And there is no competition. Even among songwriters, there is a camaraderie, a willingness to help others, to share "tricks" and lessons learned.

Lucky us, I say.