The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104607   Message #2144704
Posted By: Banjiman
09-Sep-07 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: Belonging to the 'folk' family
Subject: RE: Belonging to the 'folk' family
I think the folk "community" is different to other "communities". Try this as an 7 year old daughter lost her purse containing £10 (all of her money in the world!) on the campsite at Saltburn Folk Festival. We phoned John Taylor (festival organiser) on the Monday morning after the festival and he confirmed that nothing had been handed in. The organisers had a look round the campsite and couldn't find it.

We assumed that was that and maybe our daughter would learn an important lesson about looking after her things etc..... John phoned this week and said as the festival had made a small profit this year he wanted to give Kirsty £10 out of this to make up for the money she had lost. He apologised that they hadn't been able to find a purse that exactly matched the description of the one she had lost but had got her a new one anyway.........perhaps Kirsty will learn an even more important lesson about human kindness and thoughtfulness.

We are quite blown away by the thoughtfulness of John's action. Completely above the call of duty!