The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104607   Message #2144861
Posted By: Folkiedave
09-Sep-07 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: Belonging to the 'folk' family
Subject: RE: Belonging to the 'folk' family
There's a folk tale about a old man sat at a cross roads. A traveller passing by asks the man what the people are like at the next village.

"What were they like at the last village?" says the old man.

"Pretty dysfunctional" the traveller said "Bitchy, narrow minded, dull, exploitative, creepy and grovelling to the perceived senior members of the family, brainlessly competitive when there's damn all to compete for, rude to outsiders, and far too damn pleased with much too little in the way of achievement.

"They are just like that in the next village you will come to visit" said the old man sat at the cross roads.

A little later another passer by stops and asks the same question about the people in the next village and the old man once again asks the traveller asks what they were like in the last village the man passed through.

"Wonderfully functional" says the traveller, "Broad minded, cheerful, happy to help anyone, respectful and cheerful to older members of the family who reply in kind, inclusive to outsiders and happy with their achievements which are multiple".

"Ay" said the old man at the crossroads "they will be much the same at the next village you come to visit".