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Thread #104631   Message #2144874
Posted By: autolycus
09-Sep-07 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: How much Folk Music is there?
Subject: RE: How much Folk Music is there?
Thanks everyone so much. I do appreciate your posts.

Greg, that's the kind of thing I had in mind, that 10,000, tho' there doesn't sound like there's a 'master-list'

As I didn't make clear, my definition was 'anonymous',and because of copyright, i doubted that anon folk-music was still being written. I'm ill-informed, so don't know.

Is there a vast list (or lists) anywhere of known folk-songs for any period or area,as the Uni. of Melbourne Music Library has quite a big one for popular songs?

It is a slightly idle inquity,(oh,that's a good one, should say 'inquiry' -[if you think this is iniquitous, i wouldn't blame you]); just that a part of me wants to get a sort of theoretical control over a vast field.

The New Grove does it for classical; the rough Guides for folk and world musiv performers.

The folk field just seemed more amorphous.
