The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104631   Message #2145239
Posted By: greg stephens
10-Sep-07 - 05:23 AM
Thread Name: How much Folk Music is there?
Subject: RE: How much Folk Music is there?
I have just been working on a mosaic project with kids, and one lad about 7 years old made up songs(and sang them) all day, as he worked.They were not very politically relevant and contained no references to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so they might not suit WLD, but I would reckon they were folk songs all right(or possibly the raw material that supplies the folk process). He was like one of those holes they find on the seabed were hot volcanic gases bubble out and nourish strange growths of bacteria.I think I may have discovered one of the secret sources of folk music. I presume there are plenty of kids like that around, so supplies of folk song for the next century should be OK.