The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104607   Message #2145269
Posted By: Betsy
10-Sep-07 - 06:05 AM
Thread Name: Belonging to the 'folk' family
Subject: RE: Belonging to the 'folk' family
Nutty ( who started the thread ) is a very pleasant , gregarious person who loves meeting up with folk-folk. She likes people. She sees the best in people, an attribute for which I admire her. I dropped in to see her at a workshop at a recent festival, but she didn't have the time because she was "teaching" a bunch of engrossed people of mature years,about using the web in order to further their knowledge of how to find sheet music , songs and other folk related subjects ( probably Mudcat ) etc., and enjoying every minute of imparting her considerable knowledge.
It would have been rude for her to ignore her "pupils", but had she had the time she would have enjoyed a chat as much as I . She has given her honest thoughts to the matter - she loves being part of it all - bless her. Thread creep has taken place here , she was just asking does everyone get the same (undoubted) pleasure as she does , of being part of the folk network. Don't try to dampen her enthusiasm - you can't. She puts far more into Folk music than she gets in return, - a top person indeed.
