The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104605   Message #2145286
Posted By: Giant Folk Eyeball (inactive)
10-Sep-07 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS: 'Folk free zone'
Subject: RE: EFDSS: 'Folk free zone'
Can I add my tuppence worth, on the subject of the thread rather than on the subject of personal attacks?

I doubt C# House would attract many acoustic rock singer songwriters, just because of what it is and also because there are thousands of venues up and down the country where they can ply their trade - and they do! Here in Manchester you can't move for them. I would also see the term itself as a description rather than a put down - even though with a few very honourable exceptions most of those I've had the mispleasure to listen to have been pretty dreary.

C# House MAY attract some young songwriters who are rooted to some extent in tradition. There are no guarantees, obviously. The term folk free zone is a bit daft, though, for a folk event at a folk venue - may free-folk zone or even freak-folk zone would be more suitable and much more fun!

I'm not really detecting any animosity here to people writing original material (as long as it's any good) but I am detecting a lot of animosity to those people who don't like listening to maudlin, self indulgent 'sensitive singer songwriter' stuff. Personally, I blame that James friggin' Taylor. Or James Bl*nt.

