The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2145341
Posted By: Greg B
10-Sep-07 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
"On this thread, as I am not a Christian or a member of any other
religion I have tried to be objective in everything I have written."

This rather reminds me of the arguments that I once heard for keeping
black folks from renting one's house at the Jersey shore.

"Well, I have nothing against colored people per se, but the fact
is that if I rent to them it will bring down the property values."

A variation on that theme "Well I have nothing against colored people
per se, but if I rent to coloreds my neighbors will be very upset and
I try to be a good neighbor, to go along and get along."

In the above two cases the bigot tries to make the problem about
property values or about neighborliness--- just practical matters,
you know?

When the fact is, that it's really all about bigotry--- and you're
kidding yourself if you prefix your support of bigotry with the old
"I have nothing against..." or "Some of my best friends are..." If
you refuse to rent to people of color you DO have something against
them, and you are doing something against them. Likewise, if you
call that friendship, then you've got a funny definition.

The same is true of the form of bigotry which we call 'homophobia.'

You can't simultaneously deny homosexuals equal rights under the
law and claim that you're neither a homophobe nor a practicing
bigot. Regardless of what nice bits of 'double think' you might
try and wrap your denial in.

Denial of civil rights is an act of aggression, as much so as
is waiting outside a gay bar with a group of thugs, and blood in
one's eyes. Don't think so? Society does! That's why we regularly
bring gay-bashers (and lynch mobs, and cops who beat up black
men for the crime of 'driving while black') for a crime of
civil rights violations.

Civil rights is neither more nor less than equal protection under
the law--- whether that is the right to not be beaten for accidents
of one's birth or the right to have one's committed love relationships
recognized by society as a whole.