The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99141   Message #2145430
Posted By: Rumncoke
10-Sep-07 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Songleading Vs. Performing
Subject: RE: Songleading Vs. Performing
I go to song sessions where the terms are often interchangeable, and you don't know if you are going to be performing a song or leading it, or most usually singing the verses and then everyone does the chorus.

I have quite a repertoire of songs, and some are to a different tune or in a different time to those best known, and some are not that well known.

For instance, this Saturday I found I was performing 'Drake', as no one joined in, and also 'It's time to go now' which is usually a good harmonising song - perhaps because people did not want to leave!! Thinking about it I should have tried 'When all men sing' - but it was almost 1am and I was tired.

Sometimes the difference between a performance and leading a song is the note you start on - if it means most people can sing along then they usually do.