The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2145683
Posted By: GUEST,Don Firth
10-Sep-07 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
The idea that the "liberal West" is more "permissive" than the rest of the world when it comes to drug use, pornography, and all that just doesn't wash. When it comes to child prostitution and pornography, take a good look at Thailand, where child prostitution is a tourist attraction. Drug use is rampant in many parts of the world—sometimes as part of religious ceremonies. And as far as obscenity is concerned, I don't think there are few things much more obscene that publicly beheading someone because they were caught in—or suspected of—a bit of sexual hanky-panky. But some of this country's allies and trade partners practice this sort of thing.

No, when it comes to "sleaze" and "permissiveness," to say that this is the province on the Western countries (Europe and North America) is sheer nonsense.

And when you consider that roughly ten percent of the human population is homosexual (Alfred Kinsey's figures, corroborated by Masters and Johnson)—and that this is not a matter of choice, as some erroneously believe—discriminating against same-sex couples is no different from denying someone's civil rights simply because that person is left-handed.

To say that homosexuality is "unnatural" is also erroneous. It has been observed in a number of animal species.

Don Firth