The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2145845
Posted By: GUEST,Don Firth
10-Sep-07 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Ake, Alfred Kinsey's 1950s statistical study of the sexual behavior of the human male and human female turned up information that many people found upsetting. For example, that at some time during their marriage, approximately 50% of married people, both male and female, had engaged at least once in extramarital sexual relations. AND—it turned up that somewhere between 8% and 14% engaged regularly in homosexual relations, about 10% exclusively.

Many people attacked Kinsey, not because they could find fault with his research and his figures, but because they didn't want to hear it! His figures were later corroborated by other researchers, including Masters and Johnson.

As far as homosexual behavior in animals is concerned, look up the behavior of bonobo chimpanzees in particular. Similar behavior has also been witnessed among some birds and a number of mammal species. Not all members of any given species participate, but an observed percentage do.


I find the eating habits of some members of my species a bit disgusting—not to mention the political behavior of lots of people—but I would certainly not deny them their civil rights because of it.

Don Firth