The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104631   Message #2146226
Posted By: Tim Leaning
11-Sep-07 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: How much Folk Music is there?
Subject: RE: How much Folk Music is there?
Vive le difference
Luckily I like all sorts of music.
So whoever you side with in yet another debate about what Folk Music is/isnt or maybe.
Kindly carry on collecting it, stealing it, writing it arguing over it etc.
Sing it in silly but authentic accents,get in rows about should it should be sung at this or that time of the year or in one place or another.
(I was gonna say but mind that the poor old buggers who know the stuff now dont kick the bucket while you are busy arguing the toss.But they are keeping it going even if they dont earn money or degrees or Kudos from it,and I dont wanna jinx them)
That way I will have somats to listen to if I am the mood for it at the time.
When I meet folkies they are always nice and welcoming if a bit sniffy sometimes that I dont play old music myself.
Then come on here and there we are arguing again.
OH well
More power to your elbows