The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104700   Message #2146827
Posted By: nutty
11-Sep-07 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Legacy of 9/11
Subject: BS: The Legacy of 9/11
Six years on and people are still dying.

I've just been watching a rather disturbing documentary on the plight of workers who have been made very ill from working in the toxic dust at Ground Zero without having proper respirators and other equipment.

An inability to work, coupled with enormous medical expenses. is making the lives of these men (particularly firefighters) very difficult and painful.

It seems such a shame, after the good work they all did, that the US Government is not giving more support - particularly in light of the millions of dollars wasted in Iraq.

Are we, in the UK, getting a distorted view from the media? Is this problem being blown out of all proportion? Or is this seeming lack of care typical of the Bush administration?