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Thread #104700   Message #2146842
Posted By: Barry Finn
11-Sep-07 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Legacy of 9/11
Subject: RE: BS: The Legacy of 9/11
You aren't getting a distorted view, the workers & volunteers are suffering without much help. OSHA which should've been moniting the safety of the workers were asleep on the job much like FEMA. See the the thread "Sicko" Micheal Moore's movie. One fiefighter that hasn't recieved medical aid of much treatment was treat for his ills in Cuba at the expense of the Cuban government & the US won't do squat for these failing HERO'S, as the government loves to call them. It's another black eye & it's enough to make cry.

Our rescue efforts & our care for rescue workers is a thin slice of what our present goverment is all about.

There should be a department of "Rescue & Aid" (though Depts of Homeland Security & Social Services are in need of some serious need of revamping first) to watch & distrubite the aid & the moneies already appropreated for New Orleans & already been collected & spent in NYC, where it went all the victims of both are still wondering. The money for the victims of the towers is still being heard in court (those that never settled), they still want to know what happened & why.
