The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20507   Message #214877
Posted By: Barky
20-Apr-00 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: MudCat Tavern Enterprise
Subject: RE: MudCat Tavern Enterprise
Suddenly, through everyone's uniform pins comes the voice of C.C Barky. "Everyone to there respective posts," she said, "This is a red alert. The Protozoan ship is approaching quickly and is set on destroying us! It is thought some might have boarded us against our knowledge! So be alert! The universe needs more lerts! WHOOOEEE! I crack myself up! Seriously, keep an eye, or two, or two, or three, or four, depending on your species, out for Protozoans on board! They can be distinguished by their visible innards and many wavey tenticles!" And she clicked off, leaving everyone on the ship extra alert.

~C.C. Barky