The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20562   Message #214893
Posted By: Sorcha
20-Apr-00 - 02:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: I'm scared of Americans and Guns
Subject: RE: I'm scared of Americans and Guns
Oh dear, a lot has happened here since my last visit. Woody and kat, I am crying for both of you and for all the people (female or not) in your position. Oh, this is going to be tough.
I would not hesitate to kill any scumbag who tried to rape me, IF I COULD. The qualifier is If I could.......he could take the gun away from me and use it on me, he could use a broken bottle, etc. But it wouldn't make me hate him any more/less........(crying here) Our daugher was digitally molested 6 yrs ago, and none of us have ever gotten over it, really, let alone her. But we HAVE to be civil to the bastard because he was never charged, let alone convicted, and Hubby is a cop........innocent until PROVEN guilty......
Oh crap, I don't know if I can do this or not. So many thoughts, so little brain cells.
In Iran now, it is legal for ANY man to kill ANY woman violating the Islamic law, and they don't have to use guns, they can use the swimming pools in the backyard. Just for not wearing a chador/veil.....
I guess it is time to come clean, We have 4 handguns in the house, and 5 hunting rifles, and 4 antique rifles. Hubby is a cop and carries one all day every day. Do I feel safe? NO, I do not.And all the guns are unloaded, and I do Not keep one by the bed.
Last year, only 2 mos after my mother died, our son was arrested for Aggravated Assault; he shot his own car while trying to defend himself from an assault by 5 other (ethinic) people. He is now a felon, they are not even minor offenders.
Oh golly I can't do this now, this is my next thing to work through. But I guess the bottom line is, that Americans are so BLOODY minded, that they won't let ANYONE tell them what to do, whether it is right or wrong....will try to make sense of this tomorrow. Sorry my friends, just too difficult right now.