The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2149457
Posted By: harpmolly
14-Sep-07 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
From: akenaton
Date: 03 Sep 07 - 03:06 AM
It is surely beyond dispute that the majority of people worldwide find the practice of homosexuality disgusting.

From: akenaton
Date: 04 Sep 07 - 02:43 PM
As far as people's rights are concerned, there are many many more Devout Christians and Moslems in this world than homosexuals. Therefore, should this minority (homo sexuals) have the right to subvert the core beliefs of the religious?

From: akenaton
Date: 14 Sep 07 - 04:09 PM
What we are talking about is marriage, not how it is viewed in other countries, but how it is defined in UK/USA.

Interesting how your perception of the subject matter changes when you're losing an argument. ;)

And while we're deconstructing your logic on tyranny of the majority:

"From: akenaton
Date: 13 Sep 07 - 11:58 PM
While this view of homosexuality prevails, the rights of the majority are being subverted by "homosexual marriage"
Are the rights of these people not being affected by having a beloved institution altered in a way which most find offensive??"

Well, I find it pretty damned offensive that gay marriage is illegal when it's perfectly legal to drive to Vegas, get drunk off your ass and marry a total stranger (of the opposite sex, of course) in about five minutes--or when two heterosexual people who have never met can legally get engaged on a reality TV show.

And to return to your point about the Sacredness of the Big White Wedding: I've always felt that our obsession with the Perfect Disney Wedding is a bit unhealthy. It's all about the money and the show...the dress that costs more than my college loans or the downpayment on a house, the flowers, the caterers. I went to a wedding in Albuquerque that had the symphony orchestra, opera and Charlton Heston giving the reading at the mass. This wedding had cost at least a hundred grand, and shortly before, the couple realized they didn't want to get married, but the family said, "You WILL get married, because this juggernaut is rolling forward and what YOU want is no longer important." They separated immediately afterward. As PT Barnum or whoever might say, "The Show Must Go On!!!".

I can't possibly see how this obscene sham of a wedding could be more sacred than the small yet heartfelt marriage of two men or women who have been together for fifteen years and want to be sure that when one of them dies, the other one is at his bedside holding his hand.

But then again, Akenaton, I probably don't belong to this nebulous and undefined "majority" you keep falling back on to support your arguments. Guess nobody gives a flying fuck what I think.