The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104787   Message #2149764
Posted By: Pete_Standing
15-Sep-07 - 07:57 AM
Thread Name: Graham Metcalfe-getting married & moving to Canada
Subject: Graham Metcalfe
One of Oxford's, nay Yorkshire's, nay England's most loved and gifted singers is getting married and then emigrating to Canada. He will be sorely missed around these parts, but our loss is his fiancée's gain, likewise the folks over in Canada.

I'll be at his post wedding session, so if want your wishes to be passed on, add them here and I'll print them - it would be nice to add your real name of course and not your Mudcat moniker!

For my part, he has been inspirational and also encouraging. I just love his voice, his interpretation and his wit.

Best wishes to you Graham and your wife.