The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1159   Message #215004
Posted By: Mark Clark
20-Apr-00 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Sweet Violets
Subject: Lyr Add: SWEET VIOLETS
I couldn't resist adding a version we used to sing as children.^^

Two Irishmen, Two Irishmen, sitting in a ditch,
One called the other one a dirty son of a...

Beaver, beaver, sitting on a log,
Along came a bumble bee and stung him on the...

Cocktail, ginger ale, five cents a glass,
If you don't like it then shove it up your...

Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies,
If you get hit with a bucket of...

Sweet violets, sweeter than all the roses,
Covered all over from head to toe,
Covered all over with sweet violets.

There may have been other verses and variations but that's all I can remember forty-five years after the fact.

- Mark