The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93615   Message #2150592
Posted By: Ebbie
16-Sep-07 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
When I was a young girl we discovered a great pile of books in the attic. I and the brother closest to me in age (we were around 10 years old) devoured them.

A good many of the books were W A Y above our heads in implication and nuance (for instance, I had no idea why this feuding couple emerged best friends after having taken refuge in a remote barn during a rainstorm) but some of the things I have never forgotten.

One of the books was titled 'Congo Song', I believe. The premise was that this beautiful young woman had a pet gorilla, a gorilla that eventually became so aggressive and strong that he was kept in a large cage, and that no one could control him but the young woman.

Eventually the gorilla kills her. I've never re-read the book nor come across it in later years but there is the definite implication that the gorilla was sexually attracted, if not sexually involved, with her.

Has anyone else read that book?