The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93615   Message #2151185
Posted By: GUEST,Candide Reporter
17-Sep-07 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
There actually was a case some years ago when an American woman on Safari was abducted by a young gorilla, who was quite obviously "romantically inclined" and who kept her with him for, I think, a couple of days before she was rescued (I believe the beast was hit by a couple of tranquilliser darts, but otherwise unharmed in the rescue). Anyway, I saw her on some daytime TV Programme a coupla months after the event, and she was asked - in a roundabout sorta way - what was it like having such a liaison with an ape. She said, "It's really terrible; he never writes, never phones...."