The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93615   Message #2151335
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
17-Sep-07 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
Subject: RE: BS: Sex with chimpanzees?
"Perplexed" don't have a problem. It was all over between us a long time ago. It was good while it lasted, I got no regrets, and I hope she don't neither.

But I got a message for YOU, Amos, ya jerk. I don't let nobody talk about my sister like you done. You are gonna pay. You are gonna wish you hadda kept yer big mouth shut, buster. Don't think just because you are away off in California that you are beyond reach of final retribution, sucker.

I don't have no sister named "Chinga", and I know what it means. You have done it this time. There ain't gonna be enough left of you to sweep up with a wisk broom when I am done.