The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18703   Message #215145
Posted By: Áine
20-Apr-00 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
Well, it's great to see some more wonderful songs in the Mudcat Songbook! This morning I added four great new songs, (including Amos' song above) and I hope that everyone will go and have a look at them. Here's the list --

Radio Song by Spider Tom
A Soldier's Lament by Irish sergeant
Mary Ann's Walla Walla Woman Blues by Amos (which you can hear Amos perform on the archive file of the April 19th Mudcat Radio Show!)
The Chestnut Ward by McGrath of Harlow

Thank each of you for sharing these songs with us. Well done!

-- Áine