The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101044   Message #2151564
Posted By: Rapparee
17-Sep-07 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Free speech- IF they agree with you
Subject: RE: BS: Free speech- IF they agree with you
Both sides of the political spectrum will, if given the chance, impose their ideas on society. They will use force if necessary. For example, Salvator Allende was a Socialist:

October 1972 saw the first of what were to be a wave of confrontational strikes. One by one, owners of trucks were joined by small businessmen, some (mostly professional) unions and some student groups. Other than the inevitable damage to the economy, the chief effect of the 24-day strike was to induce Allende to bring the head of the army, general Carlos Prats, into the government as Interior Minister. Allende also instructed the government to begin requisitioning trucks in order to keep the nation from coming to a halt. Government supporters also helped to mobilize trucks and buses but violence served as a deterrent to full mobilization, even with police protection for the strike breakers. Allende's actions were eventually declared unlawful by the Chilean appeals court and the government was ordered to return trucks to their owners.

Eventually, he was killed in a revolt that involved the CIA (Nixon was President of the US) and brought Augusto Pinchot to power.

On the other hand, there was Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco Bahamonde:

After winning the civil war, he dissolved the Spanish Parliament, establishing an authoritarian regime that lasted until 1978, when a new constitution was drafted. During the Second World War, Franco maintained a policy of neutrality, although he did assist Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy on a small scale, most famously by sending troops (known as the Blue Division) to aid Nazi Germany in the occupation of Russia. Before the invasion of the Soviet Union by the German Army, Franco and Hitler met in Hendaye the 23rd of October 1940. In addition, during the Cold War, the United States established a diplomatic alliance with Franco, due to his strong anti-communist policy. American President Richard Nixon toasted Franco, and, after Franco's death, stated: "General Franco was a loyal friend and ally of the United States."

Franco's state combined corporatism, nationalism, and a focus on traditional values. From 1947 and until his death he was de facto regent of Spain, which he ruled as a dictator, repressing dissident opinions through institutionalised torture, concentration camps (such as Los Merinales in Seville, San Marcos in León, Castuera in Extremadura, and the Camp of Miranda de Ebro), heavy prison sentences, and the application of the death penalty against criminals and political opponents. After his death Spain began a transition to democracy.

My brother became "conservative" when a prof in one of his grad school classes taught things about the Vietnam business that were flat-out wrong: he knew they were wrong because he'd been there when they happened. He very nicely told the prof this, and she called him (to his face) "a baby-killer" and told him HE was wrong because one of the books she'd read...anyway, he was "suppressed" because what he told from his own experience disagreed with her pre-conceived ideas.

Frankly, a plague on both their houses. I will give you the liberty to express whatever you want as long as a) you take responsibility for what you say and b) allow me the same thing.