The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20562   Message #215164
Posted By: Peg
20-Apr-00 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: I'm scared of Americans and Guns
Subject: RE: I'm scared of Americans and Guns
Homeless; you can't coerce someone if your arguments make no sense.
you wrote: "I'll agree that if someone wants to do it they can kill more people faster with a gun than with a knife/axe/what-have-you. But being able to do more, faster, does not make it dangerous."
huh??? It doesn't??? since when? are you high?
You also wrote: "No disrespect intended, but I don't see the logic in "Guns are a problem precisely because they are implements of mass destruction". Bulldozers, wrecking balls, jackhammers all fit that criteria but aren't a problem."
this is just plain nonsense. Those items are not intended to be used as WEAPONS! Guns are.
You also wrote: "And I thought the problem was usually one person being killed at a time, not simultaneous mass murder?"
who said this? and who says mass murder is not a problem? on this anniversary of the worst school shooting in history, that statement is just plain disrespectful. what about Paducah, Kentucky? Springfield, Oregon? Pearl, Mississippi? mass murder is the problem, that is the point most people in this thread are trying to make. You seem to be playing at being too dense to pick up on this, I am not sure why.

You also wrote: "Other than the military, the press I usually see about mass murders involves bombs, not guns."
see above. The paper I read every day, the radio I listen to, talks about shooters and multiple victims; two dead in an old age home just yesterday in fact.