The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20579   Message #215201
Posted By: SDShad
20-Apr-00 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: Holy Cow, Moses, Mackerel, Toledo....
Subject: RE: Holy Cow, Moses, Mackerel, Toledo....

As we Christians gear up for the first in our cycle of ritual (a cycle which is at least half-pagan anyway), may your Day of Awakening be as blessed as you could wish!

Returning to the original question: what's sacred or holy to me? At the moment: the incredible moment of silence that comes at the end of our Taize song services; our friends' wondrous premature baby David, who's catching up quite nicely thank you--even when he spits up on my shirt :-); all spaces and times of safety and acceptance; Emmylou Harris' voice; the touch of my wife's hand; Holy Communion, and with it the table of all true human fellowship, be it religious or atheist, Christian or Pagan, Muslim or Jewish, which for me the Eucharist represents. It's all one table.

The South Dakota Badlands; the hilltop church in Minnesota where I attended VBS as a child, and where my grandfather is buried; the Mormon Tabernacle (go there, and you'll see what I mean); walking labyrinths; late spring snow; the St. Francis Mission church on the Rosebud Reservation; the Missouri River; whip-poor-wills and blue herons.

So, that's my disjointed list,
