The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104776   Message #2152112
Posted By: Big Mick
18-Sep-07 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jacqui's operation
Subject: RE: BS: Jacqui's operation
It won't be the trapeze act, MMario. It will be those two dogs she lives with wandering around and acting like lost puppies. Her uprightness will then get indignent, hop up and start to take care of them, and ....POW!!! ...... blown stitches. Jacqui, don't you dare!!!! Under no circumstances are you to do anything other than what the sawbones tells you to do. Let 'em go hungry, and they will figure out how to take care of themselves.

Actually, they already know how, as Kendall has pointed out. So just because they don't do it up to your impeccable standards, you still are to stay on your royal backside until the Doc tells you different. Got it?

