The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104809   Message #2153661
Posted By: The Sandman
20-Sep-07 - 03:10 PM
Thread Name: Is the heyday of collecting over
Subject: RE: Is the heyday of collecting over
Here is alist of some of the people present,at the meetingof the International[sic]Folk Music Council in Sao paulo 1954,where they defined folk music.
Mrs Lake Bennett[Representing the Folklore Society.Miss Victoria Kingsley,Miss Beryl de Zoete,Miss Maud Karpeles,MrDouglasKennedy [Director of EFDSS in1954].
The Congress was attended by about 200 delegates from 25 countries,the American countries were of course the most fully represented[why?],there were delegates ferom Japan and many European countries[so it was not truly International].
Not much evidence of traditional singers there.
at this same International[SIC]Conference apart from defining folk music,also on the agenda was Folk music in education
I quote in brackets[This congress is convinced that a knowledge of folk music[[which includes dance as well as song]]is the basis upon which should rest the musical education of the ordinary citizen as well as that of the specialized musician].
Ittherefore recommends:
[a]that folk music should be usedat all stages of education:
[b]that the knowledge of experts should be utilized in the selection of material,in the trainiNg of teachers andin the control of the diffusion of folk music by popular methodssuch as radio televisionrecords films and public performances
[c]that the study of folk music should be raised to academic status.
You might wonder,how someone described as a philistine,and someone who knows nothing about traditional music, has this information.
so the congress[it appears] decided that the ordinary citizen should be taught what is a folksong ,by people who didnt deem it appropriate/necessary that traditional singers should be represented or able to voice their opinions or have any input at this congress.
I find the attitude a bit patronising.
Dick Miles