The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104776   Message #2153818
Posted By: Ebbie
20-Sep-07 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jacqui's operation
Subject: RE: BS: Jacqui's operation
"...think you are being dramatic when you tell them what allergies and intolerances you have and what various medications do to you." Jacqui

I know what you mean, Jacqui. When I was being scheduled for a hernia repair I told the surgeon that 30 years before I'd had the same hernia done and that I was allergic to each of the pain meds they gave me; I told him they ended up giving me only tylenol.

The surgeon smiled. Medications are SO much better now, she said.

Right. I was supposed to be in just overnight- ended up being in there three days because everything they gave me I reacted badly to.

At one point, the surgeon said in a kind of miffed tone, Well, obviously you aren't used to narcotics.

Told her that if I were, I'd have a different kind of problem.