The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104776   Message #2154345
Posted By: Bill D
21-Sep-07 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jacqui's operation
Subject: RE: BS: Jacqui's operation
Hmmmm...I guess I should consider myself VERY lucky, in that almost all meds I have even taken seem to work on me just as they are supposed to.

I was VERY glad to have Vicodin when I had a pinched nerve in my simply allowed me to stop hurting and get to sleep. It did NOT cause constipation...if anything, a bit the opposite.
I can take sulpha, any antibiotic they have, use any kind of adhesive tape, and eat any kind of food which *I* care about. I don't even suffer from pollen allergies!

I have only one known allergy, and that IS a most types of Rosewood dust. So, as a woodworker, I can't mess with Cocobolo.

I'm beginning to wonder what the relationship is of all these allergies people seem to have is to modern life & the environment. It 'feels' like there are way more than there used to be.