The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20579   Message #215483
Posted By: Billy the Bus
21-Apr-00 - 03:12 AM
Thread Name: Holy Cow, Moses, Mackerel, Toledo....
Subject: RE: Holy Cow, Moses, Mackerel, Toledo....
Hi mjm,

"Billy the Bus" for President? Well, why not? A 1976 19-seat Ford bus would probably make as much sense as most Presidents/Politicians do. Yep, mjm, I drive Billy on tour for a livin' (skinny) I'm actually Sam (fergit to sign off). But "Billy" is the most humanest bus you ever did meet. We gave him a 21st Birthday Party - brought a R&R band down to THE Island, from Dunedin (city on South Island - NZ) and had a "Rock-a-Billy" night at the hall - raised $1,800 for the school. They wouldn't let me bring Billy in to have a drink at the bar, so I took his bottle of whisky and poured it in the petrol tank, outside in the cold.

You'd find my accent somewhat different to your cobber in NSW, them Ozzies talk "Strin(g)e" - he'd say "Seed-knee" or "See-knee" - us Kiwi talk proper, and say "Sid-knee" for Sydney....;)

My "Holy People"? Mate, I'm rapidly becoming a "golden oldie" myself, but, the real Stewart Island "Golden Oldies" who lived here "man & boy" (of either sex) for 80+ years, are (alas were - they're a dying breed, most are dead just now), like Islanders the world 'round, a "race apart". Our permanent population is <350 we peaked at >500 in the early 80s. At one time there were five GOers at 90+ years.

Islanders are notoriously "Conservative" [n'other thread] and, like most rural folk, "slow thinkin' and slow to accept strangers" BS!!! They're "Liberal", think on their feet, and "Love ya or leave ya" pretty quick, depending on their assesment of you.

[Aside] The only American "Folk Hero" of the 60s I ever met, personally, was Mike Seeger (I've got a letter from Pete, but never met him). Mike, Pete, and their dad, got a lot of "good stuff" out of the "Golden Oldies". From what?

HUMANITY OK, I'm screamin', and, I'm signing off. Otherwise I see a SSC "Spaw"ning

mjm, instigator of this fine thread......

You won't get my Easter/Anzac pearls (knit one, purl one, cast two together - for the knitters of Mudcat) - I'm grumpy - your eulogy to "Billy" ended up....

"Over&out" - OK - If you wanna use wireless jingo...;)

"OVER" to you, over (C'mon Poms - start a thread there."Take it from here".;^)

mjm - Billy and I has a couple or two thngs to say on this thread - but since you obviously don'y want to talk with your "over&out".......

[Tee-hee] OUT to you, me old Cobra....



(Who has never stirred in his life)