The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20612   Message #215515
Posted By: InOBU
21-Apr-00 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: Americans with Guns Cont. +
Subject: Americans with Guns Cont. +
My goodness, here I was buisy for a little while and lizzie stirs the pot. It was getting a bit long, so excuse me opening a new thread.
I have to add my concern for my brother Irish Sargent, who writes that he once fired live rounds meaning bullets through it once (his old rifle) at a demonstration for the Boy Scouts.
My father taught me to be wary of Boy Scouts as well, -Sunny Jim, Lor, my wee son, Dont join facist organizations... But even my old red dad would probubly not have shot at the boy scouts, even if the demonstration was getting a bit out of hand... after all, they are only poor wee lads being fed bad religion (all that wooheelo crap) right wing politics and someoras.
I would agree with Lonsome, that there should be better licening and an afordable insurence, like car ownership, as until the world is safe for anti facists, and as long as we must hunt dear, carabou, geese etc (until the lion lies down with the lamb - likel not tomorrow) then a right to own this particular tool is a necessity.
Remember the Warsaw ghetto, and as Phil Oachs and Geronimo have said, It can and did happen here.
All the best and peace -