The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104999   Message #2156038
Posted By: Azizi
24-Sep-07 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: African American Protest Slogans & Songs
Subject: RE: African American Protest Slogans & Songs
Let me reprhase that queation, is singing no longer a part of protest marches that are composed of mostly African American people?

I've made this change in phrasing since some non-African Americans took part in the Jena 6 march in Jena Louisiana and elsewhere.

However, reports I read and the photos/video confirm that the overwhelming majority of the people who participated in the Jena Louisiana march were Black people.

And, it seems to me, that the use of adapted spirituals during the 1960s civil rights movement was a result of Black cultural traditions. Therefore, my question is have those traditions changed with regard to protest marching?

Nowadays, is chanting still "in", but singing too old school?