The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20596   Message #215642
Posted By: SINSULL
21-Apr-00 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: Alcoholism
Subject: RE: Alcoholism
To John Evans: I think you are the same John who asked about songs related to infidelity and regret - no? And none of the suggestions quite met your expectations..

Be kinder to yourself, John. And do something kind for someone else today. Something simple and anonymous. You'll feel better.

To Jon Freeman: Your music makes me happy. I will continue to ask for the banjo. To hell with your neighbors. You did your anonymous good deed last night on "Hearme". Now take some credit for sharing yourself and your talent and feel better about yourself.

This past week fliers were passed out at Shea Stadium announcing "Battery Day" to honor John Rocker (Rocket?). My reaction was that it would be better to welcome him with absolute silence. Not a word; not a purchase of a hotdog or a beer or a tee shirt. I feel the same about the talented little boy who is misbehaving here. Ignore him and he will go away until he grows up. Then he may even be willing to share his talents with us.