The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20596   Message #215687
Posted By: Whistle Stop
21-Apr-00 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: Alcoholism
Subject: RE: Alcoholism
Jim Dixon brings up an excellent point about the interconnectedness of music performance and alcohol. This might be worth a separate thread.

Like Willie-O, I gave up drinking several (6+) years ago, at the age of 35, for personal reasons. I did not, and do not, consider myself an alcoholic; I simply saw no value in it any more, and recognized that it was a habit that was becoming more firmly entrenched in my life the longer I kept it up. Also like Willie-O, I was surprised at how easy it was -- for me, anyway. I do not claim that this is the same for everyone; I'm just lucky in that respect.

Since that time, I have continued to work as a part-time musician, which means that I typically spend at least one night a week in a bar, from early evening until the wee hours of the morning. It is a strange experience to be stone-cold sober, but surrounded by drunks (sorry if that term offends, but the "regulars" in the establishments I play at are drunks, by anyone's definition). It makes me realize what I used to look, act and sound like when I was drinking. I don't miss it at all -- again, I'm lucky that way.

I would love it if there was a way I could continue working as a musician without spending so much time in bars. By "working as a musician," I mean putting on a professional, well-presented performance, and getting paid for it, on a regular basis. But I find it very difficult to find non-drinking venues that provide the infrastructure, steady work, and decent pay that I get in the bars. I'd be interested to hear if others are on the horns of the same dilemma, and if they've found a way to practice their craft/profession in non-alcoholic environments. Any thoughts?