The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105024   Message #2157379
Posted By: Surreysinger
25-Sep-07 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: Peeping Tom, Ceilidh in Godalming 29/9 (UK)
Subject: RE: Peeping Tom, Ceilidh in Godalming 29/9
Gosh - go away for one day, and look what happens.

Never mind the Status Quo red herring - as Ruth quite rightly pointed out, Peeping Tom are a great band, and Pete Rees is also a great caller - so the sum total of that should be a fantastic night out for dancers on Saturday !!!

And I totally agree by the way that listening to a CD is only a tiny fraction of the experience. I find that CDs of dance bands are fun, but, as with most CDs, they can't provide the electricity or immediacy of the live event. And with a dance , although the music provides the bedrock of the experience, there is so much more involved....