The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105045   Message #2157988
Posted By: wysiwyg
26-Sep-07 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: Mary Benson had a stroke (Sept. 2007)
Subject: RE: Mary Benson had a stroke
I worked with a stroke survivor for a year, mostly on communication while "just visiting." It was pretty obvious that he did better with people he don't know too well, because new people had much more relaxed expectations and thus the lack of stress allowed him to relax and let the mind do what it could. A visitor who is not too verbal and can just hang out quietly might help her renew some of her abilities. Also, the speech and singing, I understand, are not exactly in the same place. She may be able to progress by relaxed listening to music that may spark an association. Often, in language effects of stroke, the stroke survivor can fish some surprising stuff out of obscure memory and can get a few words started in the right direction if not pushed, and then build from there.

I wish I could be there!!! Tell her for me, would you, that it's OK to relax, and to trust her mind to rebuild some of those "missing" paths automatically while she rests. A time will come when she'll catch a thread of thought or langage or tune, and follow it. She can trust that, and just follow what comes along until she's securely on the path again.
