The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20626   Message #215824
Posted By: Clinton Hammond2
21-Apr-00 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Musical Partnerships..tricky at best!
Subject: RE: Musical Partnerships..tricky at best!
I approach it this way... Everyone in the band is expected to agree to the Rules Of Piracy as set down by Bartholomew Roberts, such as...

1)All Important decisions to be put to a vote... Defining an important decision asn anyone where there isn't instant agreement from all sides

2)Any one caught stealing shall be marooned... it's very easy to be told, "GET OUT!"

3)All pistols and cutlasses will be kept clean... and axes and basses, and bodhrans and ect ect... 4)No women on board... well... We kinda let this one slide so we could be in the band with Liz And Kath. :-)

5)All Quarrels will be settled on shore... Not on stage, not in the parking lot after the show when the audience is filing out, It gets settled on neutral territory the next day!

6) Booty Shares are distributed equally among the crew! (this is a departure from Black Bart, but not by much!) 7) Anyone who deserts ship in battle shall be put to death... K, again, a little extream, but it'll certainly be yer last gig with us!

8)Injuries to be compensated... Any man who loses a limb in battle shall recieve extra booty... break a string it's yer own problem, have a serious problem that say, the bar ain't gonna cover then the band will help you out, especially so's we can have you on board for the next gig...

And well it seems to work well for us...

And if I may address Mikes list of potential problemsa above...
-Arrangement... well.. that's a group decision and the majority rules... besides, most decent musicinas will know which one sounds better and want to go withthat one...
-chords or voicings... the more varied your sound is without being too dissonent the better and fuller the band is gonna sound... again a good musician will know...
-$$$... see #6 above...
-Attire... good point... some people wanna go way casual, some want to be way formal... I do think it's important to look like a 'unit' but that can be done without having to resort to *gack* 'uniforms'.. but a uniform isn't a terrible idea either... that way only one set of yer clothes gets full of bar/pub gunk... {~`
-Negotiation.. Takes a good front guy, and it should only be one guys responsibility after consulting the band to make sure everyone is in agreement how much they are willing to work for, and at what level of pay do they simply refuse to come out for...
-Member replacement (insert [pun intended] Bobbit jokes here please!).. tough call and it can tear a band apart... but if it's that bad, one must question motives... is it personal, or business.. the band is business, as fun as it is to make music, and must be treated as such... If somone must be removed because of lack of tallent or whatever, it must be stressed that it is NOT personal...but rather for the good of the ship... -To union or not.. hummm.. never even though of this one before... :~}

Thanks fer letting me ramble on!! LOL!!!!