The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20626   Message #215898
Posted By: Rick Fielding
21-Apr-00 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: Musical Partnerships..tricky at best!
Subject: RE: Musical Partnerships..tricky at best!
Spaw, don't worry. Sandy has never seen Jerry Springer and thinks Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young are a law firm! He did however sing with the Sex Pistols a few years ago.

Jen Ellen, often when I had trouble working with a partner it came down to non-musical issues. I HATE being late or even close to it, when it comes to gigs. Arriving an hour early and then waiting til five minutes before the gig for your partner to show up was agonizing. In one other situation, a chap I was working with would look at his watch in the middle of a set. I put up with it for a couple of weeks and then quit (it was his gig). To me that insults the audience.

Like Art, 90% of my work has been solo. If I screw up, I just give myself a good talking to!
