The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20562   Message #215929
Posted By: Kelida
21-Apr-00 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: I'm scared of Americans and Guns
Subject: RE: I'm scared of Americans and Guns
I'm not normally a violent person, much more of a pacifist, but sometimes I honestly think that there are some poeple who are completely useless as human beings and would maybe be more useful as, oh. . .say, fertilizer? There are only going to be lazy, irresponsible people as long as people themselves take no action. Big Brother only has so many eyes and arms, so no matter how much legislation gets passed, there are never going to be enough people to enforce it all. The problem is (and I will always maintain this) that the government doesn't have enough conviction to enforce the laws that already exist, and their theory seems to be that making more laws will prevent the old crimes from happening. Well, it won't. It only creates more crime, and sometimes makes criminals of honest people (especially all the gun legislation going around). The way to stop crime doesn't lie in creating more of it--in fact that seems a little counterproductive. . .
