The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105127   Message #2160037
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Sep-07 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: Online Songbook:Put's Golden Songster (J.A. Stone)
Subject: John A. Stone ('Old Put')
Since I live in the Sierra Foothills of Northern California, I'm fascinated with the story of John A. Stone, more commonly known as "Old Put." Stone published a series of songbooks during the Gold Rush days, and he's the source of almost all the songs we identify with the California Gold Rush.
We've had a lot of information posted about Stone in a variety of threads, but no one thread on Stone himself. I'd like to use this thread to compile information on stone, and to post and index all the "Old Put" songs we can find.
-Joe Offer-

This is an edited PermaThread, to be used to compile information on John A. Stone. Feel free to post to this thread, but be aware that all messages in this thread are subject to editing.
Music of the Gold Rush & Civil War includes a facsimile of this songster, plus texts and MIDI tunes for most songs.

Click here to skip to the table of contents for Put's Golden Songster in this thread.

Put's Golden Songster (online-click here)