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Thread #105093   Message #2160193
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Sep-07 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
Subject: RE: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
Yeah, it's somewhat comforting... ;-)

You know what? "Freedom" is a relative thing. Those who talk on and on about "freedom" incessantly are often quite happy, I notice, to take someone else's freedom away so that they can be free themselves to do something which is not in that other person's interest. They are quite happy to devastate another country and enforce their ideas and their military and civil authority upon that country's populace, whether or not that populace likes it one bit. Local collaborators and opportunists can always be found to help out. When the foreign invaders are eventually thrown out (as usually happens in a while) the local collaborators and opportunists flee for their lives...if they can find a helicopter to cling to.

Everyone in history has fought for the freedom to do what HE wants to do, what his COUNTRY wants to do, what his political PARTY or FACTION wants to do, but not necessarily for freedom in the higher sense, the true sense of the word (meaning: equal freedom for all people everywhere to live peacefully in the manner in which they would freely wish to live, if given the choice).

Remember how the American West was "won"...with a gun, a bayonet, a torch, a broken treaty or two, a bottle of whisky, and a Bible. And its people, what was left of them, were then put in little prison camps called reservations. So much for "freedom".