The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105093   Message #2160257
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Sep-07 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
Subject: RE: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
Passive-aggressive types on longterm personal vendettas would almost rather bitch about one another's various shortcomings than breathe or eat... ;-)

This is the number one thing I've learned from 6 or 7 years on Mudcat, and it's the absolute worst thing about the place. It's disgraceful, but it's inevitable in any forum where 50 or more people are all talking AT one another day after day and developing personal hatreds in the process. There is so much venting of spleens here that I bet it could power a small town if put to a constructive use.

Anyway, yes, it's about what Daniel Ellsberg had to say. So why not focus on that, as Carol says?