The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82575   Message #2160641
Posted By: Geordie-Peorgie
30-Sep-07 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: Tone Deaf Leopard (note spelling)
Subject: RE: Tone Def Leppard
Well said, Richard!

Leave the band alone! - Their deein' neebody any harm and mekkin' a few people laugh!

It's a lang time since we lived in a country where hevvin' a good time and enjoyin' yerself wez a punishable offence. Cromwell's England wasn't it?

TDL never intended te tek the music world by storm so it's not THEIR fault if people liek them and want te put them on a pedestal.

Between ye and me aah'd rather listen te them than Morrisey.

If ye divvent like it - Piss Off and let them as does enjoy it!