The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105155   Message #2160730
Posted By: GUEST,wordy
30-Sep-07 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Language/violence in films
Subject: BS: Language/violence in films
I settled down tonight to watch a Danish film, "Brothers", I'm a great fan of European cinema. It was on BBC4 (Recorded by me).
Before it began the announcer warned that it contained "strong language". This means the subtitles sometimes contained the "F" word!
What I would have liked him to say was that the film contained a scene of man's inhumanity to man so extreme in its nastiness and violence that I had to stop the film and consign the dvd to my dustbin.
The question is why is it we need to be warned about language and not about scenes so violent and evil as to be almost beyond imagination, and certainly in my case, beyond watching, if warned?
Why do "they" consider the printed or spoken word more sickening than visually nauseating and nightmare inducing visuals?