The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104602   Message #2161189
Posted By: wysiwyg
01-Oct-07 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Organizing/Household Tips
Subject: RE: BS: Organizing/Household Tips
I'm SO EXCITED about this one I just HAD to share it with you wannabe organizers, de-clutterers, and hoping-to-be-expackrats.


Feeling overwhelemed by the prospect of the big, impossible project staring you in the face? Can't think where to start? (Can't think at all?)

Easy-peasy! Just pick ANY practical, hands-on task large or small, and do the things you need to do to start THAT.

I discovered this key to eliminating intertia by deciding I'd vac the LR myself instead of waiting for Hardi to come home and do it. MIL is coming, and until recently I was physically not able to vac. Now I think I can though....

And suddenly, I find all the energy I need to clear up all that pesky, important stuff (mess) that fell over the back of my chairside table, instead of looking at the several mini-messes and major-messes around the room and not knowing what to do first.

Try it!
