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Thread #105093   Message #2161469
Posted By: GUEST,Hitlary '08
01-Oct-07 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
Subject: RE: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
Canada and the U.S. are different kettles of fish, LH. You live in a dominion. The queen of England owns you and grants you the occasional privilege. That's what the revolutionary war in the US was about...breaking those apron strings. Unfortunately, they've grown back...tendrils of the European central banking system. So nowadays there's really not much difference between your police state and ours, except that we have more guns.

The power in the U.S. derives from the consent of the governed. When we no longer consent, the government will be changed. And I suspect we're damned close to withdrawing our consent. The people who've built the prison camps and are now ballooning the number of police know that too. Cheney, Bush, the Clintons...they're such CRIMINALS. Bill Clinton many in Canada with his AIDS blood shipments to Canada? Can the number even be calculated? And that's juse ONE of THOUSANDS of Bill Clinton's capital crimes. And nowadays he's being portrayed as the good ol days. If Bill Clinton shipping AIDS-infected blood to Canada is the good ol days, that speaks volumes about the shape we're in now. These people running things lost touch with their 'patriotic' side long ago. They're just doing a job for the World Bank and having an occasional bit of fun killing hemopheliacs and people in tall buildings.