The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105093   Message #2161512
Posted By: number 6
01-Oct-07 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
Subject: RE: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
"Your government does NOT truly rule with the consent of the governed!"

Which is true LH .... and brings me back to Mike Gravel and this thread. Mike Gravel supports constitutional amendments towards direct democracy. He is founder and head of the Democracy Foundation which promotes direct democracy.

"He's the only candidate who both voted against the war, and voted against funding the war, and he's the only one who is unequivocal about not attacking Iran"

Mike Gravel has not been a senator since 1980. His policy towards Iran is bring the troops back home in 120 days, and that is all the troops. In regards to Iran, he equates it to Cambodia in the Vietnam conflict. If the U.S. attacks Iran the minimal direct effect according to him is a world wide depression, maximum effect .. nuclear war.

Mike Gravel was principal while in tenure in the U.S. Senate in ending the draft, making public the Pentagon Papers, and ending nuclear testing in the Pacific. He certainly should be taken seriously with that track record and his current platform. It's a shame how he has been forgotten and not being heard and taken seriously.

and BTW, he is the son of immgrants to the U.S. .. His parents were French Canadian.
